Mississippi RESAs
Thank you for visiting the MS RESAs website -- your one-stop-shop for quality professional development provided by the MS Department of Education and your local RESA.
To view all of the events across the state, select "All RESAs" at the bottom off the page; however, if you want to see the specific events in your area, click on your RESAs name. From there, select the options that best suite your needs under Workshops and/or Conferences at the top of the page.
Also, feel free to check out and subscribe to the Calendar feature, located at the top of the page, to see a closer glance at what's being provided month-by-month!
If you have any questions about how to login to your account, new features, or anything else, please see our FAQs page at http://www.msresaservices.com/faqs or feel free to contact your local RESA!
As always, we are here to service you for the benefit of students and communities.
Recently Added Events
During this session participants will be guided through developing strategies for culture, climate and a team atmosphere. ..
Novice Teachers with 3 or fewer years will take a deep dive into classroom management practices that have proven to be effective. This training is offered free for Hollandale and Leland School Distric..
This is a monthly meeting for EMCED member district SPED Directors to collaborate and network.This event is open to EMCED members and their guests only. ..